NSW - Settlement Statement - Purchase

Location of Precedent

State: NSW

Path: Conveyancing/Purchase/Pre Settlement

What it looks like


Where the data comes from

  1. Calculation: Purchaser's surname(s) obtained from Purchaser contact card(s) and Vendor's surname(s) obtained from Vendor contact card(s)
  2. Property Details: Property Address
  3. Settlement Financials: Adjustment Date
  4. Calculation: Matter Info: Person Responsible initials: Person Assisting initials: Matter number
  5. Settlement Financials: Amount Required to Settle, list of all entries
  6. Calculation: Total of all amounts in (5)
  7. This wording will change based on your selection upon opening the document. The example shown is when you select Bank Authority. If you select ELNO Holding Account or Trust Account your client will be asked to deposit the total (8) into the relevant account.
  8. Calculation: Total of all client payments
  9. Settlement Financials: Payments: Payment Direction, all payments marked as Paid From Client
  10. Settlement Financials: Payments: Payment Direction, all payments marked as Paid From Bank
  11. Calculation: Total of all Bank payments
  12. Settlement Financials: Payments: Payment Direction, all payments marked as Paid From Trust
  13. Calculation: Total of all Trust payments
  14. Settlement Financials: Payments: Payment Direction, all payments marked as Paid From ELNO
  15. Calculation: Total of all ELNO payments
  16. Settlement Financials: Payments: Payment Direction, all payments marked as Paid From Sale Proceeds
  17. Calculation: Total of all Sale Proceeds payments
  18. Calculation: Total of all payments

Handy Hints

  • The Sale Proceeds available funds can be added in the Settlement Financials: Payments: Available Funds section by going to Conveyancing Details: Simultaneous Sale and Purchase and ticking the checkbox
  • Electronic Settlement Fee will populate based on whether Conveyancing Details > Electronic Transaction is ticked
  • Stamp Duty appearing in Amount Required to Settle in Settlement Financials is populated from Conveyancing Details:Stamp Duty & Registration Tab: Duty Payable 
  • Registration Fees appearing in Amount Required to Settle is populated from Conveyancing Details: Stamp Duty & Registration Tab: Registration fee 
  • You can add additional amounts to the Amount Required to Settle table by clicking the Add Amount button
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