Prompt writing with Archie

In this article, learn how to use Archie to recall and summarise facts and information from Matter Details and documents.

First time hearing about Archie? Learn more in Getting Started with Archie, the Smokeball AI Assistant.

Using Archie to ask questions about your matter

Currently, you can ask Archie about the following data within a matter to generate contextual responses:

  • Core matter data - specifically Matter Details/Info, Client Details and Other Side's details
  • Files and documents - emails, Word docs, PDFs, etc.

How do I write a good question for Archie?

When working with Archie, remember that Archie references all the data and documents stored within a specific Smokeball matter, so writing a concise, specific prompt is essential. The more direct you are, the better Archie can assist you.

Avoid asking one-word questions such as "Summarise". Instead, try "Summarise this matter". This way, Archie knows exactly what you need and can provide you with accurate, relevant information. Other prompts you could try are:

For any matter type:

  • "What are my client's details on this matter?"

For Family matter types:

  • "Summarise this matter, including the parties and the current issues being addressed."
  • "Create a table with a column for John and a column for Jane, listing all non-financial contributions that have been mentioned. If they are the same, put them in the same row."
  • "What are the details of the child custody arrangements?"

For Conveyancing matter types:

  • "Who is the landlord and management company of the freehold property?"
  • "What are the main concerns addressed in the pre-contract enquiries?"

Expectations and limitations when asking Archie

  • When you open Archie for the first time ever, Smokeball will start training Archie on the last 50 matters worked on.
  • Archie will do its best to search for text in your files, but a scanned PDF or image may not always be fully accurate.
  • For best results when asking Archie about an individual document, it should ideally be no longer than 50 pages.
  • When uploading a large number of documents to your matter, we suggest waiting before asking Archie questions to allow time for training.

What Archie cannot do:

  • Extract information from deleted documents
  • Compare documents in separate Smokeball matters
  • Analyse documents over 100MB in size, videos or audio files

Smokeball AI disclaimer

Like many AI software programs, Archie is a powerful tool that saves time and effort. However, while an answer may sound correct and read well, it may not be correct. 

It is incredibly important to Trust, but verify. Always read responses from Archie carefully to ensure that they are accurate.

We recommend verifying Archie's responses by checking the links to supporting documents provided at the bottom of the responses. 

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