Set up & Authorise Zoom Integration

Before you authorise:

  • You must have a Zoom account set up prior to this process
  • You must have an admin/owner account to authorise the integration 
  • Staff within the organisation must be linked to the admin account to appear in the mapped users

Authorising Zoom in Smokeball

1. Open Smokeball Settings

2. Open Integrations from the left side menu then Zoom

3. Select Authorise

4. Sign into Zoom using your account admin/owner credentials

5. You will be presented with a confirmation message once completed 


6. If at any stage you wish to de-authorise Zoom, you can click the "De-authorise" button on this screen

Minimum Meeting Duration 

This is a setting used to control your Activity Tracking. 

No activity will be recorded if a meeting you are in falls under the selected time.


Mapped Users

Users are mapped from your Zoom account and matched with the related Smokeball user. This feature is to allow Smokeball to know your Personal Meeting ID when you join a meeting in Zoom.

Your Smokeball user names appear in the left column, and their Zoom Personal Meeting ID in the right column.



  • Users are mapped based on the email address listed on their staff card 
  • Only enabled Smokeball Users are mapped to Zoom (if the person is set up as a staff member only, the mapping will not work) 
  • Mapping will automatically update as users are added to either Smokeball or Zoom

Now you are all set up, learn more about utilising Zoom with Smokeball:

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