Billing Release June 2023

Smokeball Billing’s June release features an exciting new update. Read on to learn more.

New Features

  • Two new reports have been added to Smokeball Billing:
    • Billed Fees & Expenses - Details Report
      • Breakdown information in the Billed Fees & Expenses – Summary report of what has been billed on the matter and invoice level.
      • Verify that your invoices have been billed correctly.
    • Money Received Report
      • Run this report for an overview of how your clients pay you.
      • Breakdown money received by invoice payment, trust deposit, or operating retainer deposit.
    • Dormant Trust Balances Report
      • Run this report to see which trust funds have not been used and which matters are inactive from a specified date.
      • Use report to decide to return funds or take other actions.
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