Smokeball Bill - Set up Activity Codes

Activity Codes are five-character codes used to manually track time, fees, or expenses on any matter. You can use Activity Codes to expedite the creation of Time & Fee or Expense entries. To create an Activity Code:

  1. Navigate to Firm Settings and select Time & Activities.
  2. Select Create an Activity to create a new code or click on an existing code in the list to make changes to it.
    • Activity Codes can be created to quickly generate fee, time, and expense entries.
  3. When creating an activity code, use up to five characters and fill in the details you would like to automate. You can use special characters including "-" as well.
    • Note: You can edit any field (rate, quantity, hours, etc.) when creating a time, fee, or expense entry; Activity Codes are just a great place to start.
  4. Once all the information has been entered, select Create Activity.



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