Smokeball Bill - Payment Plans

Use Payment Plans to help your clients stay on time with their payments and ensure you get paid properly.

This article walks through everything you need to know regarding Payment Plans.

Creating a Payment Plan

  • From the contact go to the Payment Plan tab and select Create New Plan.
    • Choose the amount of recurring payment, the frequency, the due date of the first payment, and click next.

  • Choose the matters associated with the debtor to include in the payment plan and click save.

Viewing a Payment Plan

  • Use the Payment Plans tab on the Contacts page to view all plans in a central location.
  • Use the table headers to sort payment plan debtors by last payment, outstanding balance, status, plan details, and more.


Payment Plans can be monitored on an individual contact level as well.

    1. Edit the plan at any time. Once the payment plan is complete, you can close the plan.
    2. Compare the progress (green line) compared to expected plan (red line)The pink line shows the expected plan.
    3. Review how much was paid, how ahead the client is in their schedule, how much is due, total mount due, how many payments are left, and how many days since last payment was made.

Adding a Payment

  • To enter a payment to a Payment Plan, select the Add Payment button in a matter.
    • Enter in the payment amount you received and the type.
    • You will see all the invoices associated with that debtor.  Invoices in the payment plan will be indicated by the payment plan (calendar with a dollar sign) icon.
      • The Payment Plan icon will turn red if payments are behind.
    • Note: Interest is not included in the plan.

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