Navigate the Smokeball Dashboard

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

The Smokeball Dashboard is a lighter-weight entrance into Smokeball that places front and center the things you need to know to track and manage your work for the day more effectively. 

When you first open the Dashboard, you will be presented with the following widgets on the screen: 

  • Recent Matters
  • Recent Activity
  • Daily Digest
  • Activity Timeline

The Global Dashboard tab is accessible from the left-hand panel and will be the default view that you are presented with upon opening Smokeball. 


View Today's Work Using the Daily Digest 

The Daily Digest gives you a complete picture of any work that needs to be completed during the day, including your events, tasks, and phone messages.  


View Recently Viewed Items 

The My Recently Viewed widget is a quick access point to all of your recently opened matters and leads, making it easy to pick up where you left off.


View Your Recent Activity  

The My Recent Activity widget is a running list of all the activities you are tracking in Smokeball. Obtain quick access to your recent work if you need to jump back into that document or email. 


Check the Activities You Spend the Most Time On 

The Activity Timeline visually represents all the work you have completed for the day, week, or month. This can be a great tool for understanding how much time you are spending doing certain activities.  


Customize Your Dashboard

Additional widgets are available to meet your specific needs. Make the Dashboard uniquely yours by customizing the appearance and layout of your Dashboard and incorporating new widgets.

  • If you wish to change the appearance of your Dashboard, select the Customize link.  


  • You can move widgets through drag and drop selection and re-size them by selecting the two diagonal arrows in the lower right-hand corner of the pane. Selecting the three gray dots in the upper right-hand corner will also allow you to remove the widget from the Dashboard. 


  • You also have the option to create multiple dashboards in order to organize your information across multiple views. You can rename, rearrange, or remove dashboards as needed.



  • The appearance of each widget can be set from the Widget Library by clicking on the individual widget. Alternatively, you can set a widget's appearance in your dashboard by clicking on the three gray dots in the upper right-hand corner of the widget. 
  • You can customize a widget's accent color, name, and style, although the total range of options will differ from widget to widget. Learn more about widgets and how to customize them




Did You Know

  • The displayed widgets will depend on the size and shape of your Smokeball window. If the resolution on your computer is too small or if the scale of your display is too large, then certain panes may drop out of view.  
  • Dashboard appearance and customization are per-user settings. Other users in your firm will not see your dashboard layout. 
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