Add and organise document containers

Learn how to add and organise document containers to ensure your standard set of letter formats (such as your letterhead) are consistent across the documents you create. 

Learn more about document containers in our Getting Started with Document Containers guide.

View all document containers

  1. Select the gear icon from the top-right corner of the Smokeball window to open Smokeball Settings. 
  2. Select Document Containers from the left menu.

Add a new document container 

To add a new document container, such as a Pre-printed letterhead: 

  1. Select Add from the Document Containers window. 
  2. Enter a name for the document container, then select a Type from the drop-down menu.  
    • Letter – a letterhead and signature block 
    • Form – a Court form with a caption and signature block 
    • Other – used for custom types of document containers 
    • Invoice – used if drafting invoices in Word. It’s preferred to use Smokeball Billing to send invoices, though, so this type is not used frequently. 
  3. Select Create.
  4. A blank Word document will now open so you can begin formatting to suit the container that you need. Learn more about editing the document container and inserting style formatting.
  5. Once you have finished formatting this letter in Word, select Save and Close, and the new container will be saved in the Document Containers window.

Edit an existing document container 

For assistance in amending or modifying an existing container, refer to our article on editing a document container. 

Revert to a previous container version 

If you have accidentally saved changes to your container that you are unhappy with, you can revert it to the previous version using Version History.

Change the order of your container list  

To rearrange your document containers listed in the Document Containers window: 

  1. Click on a document container in the list.
  2. Use the up and down arrows on the right-hand side to move it to a different position. 
  3. Once you are happy with the order, select Save
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