The Smokeball Community is a space to ask questions about Smokeball legal practice management software, share solutions, and connect with legal industry peers on how to run your best firm.
There’s a lot going on in the community. Here are a few places to get started.
Discover new features to help you run your best firm
We’re always finding new ways to help make your workflow easier. Visit our product updates section to hear about the latest updates to Smokeball and learn how to use them.
Find the answer you’re looking for
From creating your first matter in Smokeball to learning advanced techniques for streamlining your practice, our members and the Smokeball team are on standby to answer your questions. Tell us what you’d like to know.
Meet other professionals in your field
We have lawyers and practice managers from around the world as well as in your local network. Visit our social section to introduce yourself, learn more about each other, or just to chat.
Sign up and make your first post
If you’re new to online communities, check out our getting started guide to learn how to sign up and create your first post.