Send and manage Matter Intake forms with MatterFlow

Available on Smokeball Prosper+ MatterFlow_only.png

Learn how to use MatterFlow to collect data from your clients directly and automate this into your matter.

Creating a matter intake form from a lead that came through via LeadPro? Select Convert to Matter on the lead to get started.

Create a new Matter Intake Form

MatterFlow contains forms tailored to the area of law your matter is in. To get started with sending an intake form to your client:

  1. Open the matter and select the Intake Forms tab.
  2. Select Share Form.
  3. Verify the details of the Contact and Email of the client. Then, select a form from the Form drop-down menu.

    The Form Preview window will automatically populate fields with information from the matter details if they have been filled in.
  4. Choose whether you wish to send this form via Communicate or email. Edit the message if needed.
    • Select the Custom Field icon to insert specific fields from your matter into the message.
    • You can customize this message for all matters in Smokeball Settings > Intake > Client Messages.
  5. Select Share to share as a Communicate message or Open Email if sending the form as an email.

Monitor Matter Intake Form progress

Add the Intake Widget to your Dashboard to view the progress of intake forms across all your matters. It can be configured to display a number of all forms or a list of forms.

Learn more about the Smokeball dashboard and how to add widgets to the dashboard.

Manage shared Matter Intake Forms

On the Intake Forms tab, you will see a list of all forms involving the client. Under the Last Modified tab you can track when the client has opened or started filling out the form.

Matter Intake Actions

Clicking on the three dots icon on the form will open up a list of actions you can take on the form:

  • View - access the form from the client's perspective.
  • Send Reminder -  send a Communicate or email message to the client as a reminder to complete the form.
    • You can customize this message for all matters in Smokeball Settings > Intake > Client Messages.
  • Copy Link - copy the form's URL link 
  • Edit Responses - edit responses on a shared form. 
  • Close - close access to the form, if you have collated all relevant data.
  • Delete - delete the form. This can only be done if the Last Modified field shows "Not opened".

Send form responses to the matter

To view the responses that the client has entered so far, select View from the three dots icon.

If they have only partially completed the form, you can save the partially completed responses to the matter by selecting Save ResponsesNote: Selecting Save Responses will overwrite any existing fields in the matter. 

Once the client completes the form, their responses will be automatically saved to the matter, and the Save Responses button will not be available. 

Did You Know

If the pre-configured matter intake forms do not meet your needs, you can also create custom matter intake forms

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