Create a custom intake form

Available on Smokeball Prosper+ LeadPro_MatterFlow.png

You can use our Form Builder to create your own Lead Intake or Matter Intake forms with your desired fields. Read on to learn more. 

Smokeball Desktop Smokeball Web App
  1. Select File from the top-left corner of Smokeball, then select Intake Forms.
  2. Select the + Create Form button in the upper right, enter a name and select Lead or Matter. Choose the relevant states and lead/matter types this form applies to and select the Build custom form toggle.  
  3. Select the Create Form button in the New Lead Intake Form pop-up window. You will then be taken to the Form Builder. Enter the Title of the form and a brief description. 
  4. Use the icons on the right-hand side of the section to add component fields to your form.
    • Drag and drop the component icon to the box with the dotted line on the center of the screen to add it.
    • Use the Text Info component if you want to enter some text here for the respondent to read. Input a heading and then select the letter icon to enter a description with your message.    
    • Garbage can icon: Use this icon to delete a field.
    • Pencil Icon: Mouseover headers and/or description fields to edit them. 
    • Conditional Icon: You can also use conditional logic when creating or editing an intake form. This means designated sections, groups, or questions will be displayed or hidden depending on the user's input.
  5. Select Preview to check the form as you go. The Preview is what the respondent will see when filling in the form.
  6. Optional: You can also group multiple questions (e.g., marriage details) together as a group. As in Step 4, drag and drop the Group of fields component field into the center of the screen. You can then add individual field components to the dotted line box within the field group.  
  7. Your progress is automatically saved. Once you are ready to share the form to clients, toggle Active and proceed to step 10. If you wish to share at a later time, proceed to Steps 8 and 9. 
  8. Select the Back button to return to your list of intake forms.
  9. Select the three dots icon next to the Status indicator on the Intake Forms view and then select the Active toggle. 
  10. To embed your form on your website, navigate to Smokeball Settings and select Intake Forms. Choose your custom form from the Forms drop-down menu and select the three dots icon. You then can then copy a URL link, copy an embedded code, or copy a contact us button for your website designer.

Note: Adding the intake form code to your website is outside the scope of Smokeball Support. Please reach out to whoever manages your website's theme to implement this on your website.

Did You Know

Some field types have clickable options. A clickable field is indicated when your mouse cursor turns into a hand icon when you hover over the field type. 

You can update custom intake form details within the form builder by selecting the grey text underneath the title and using the options in the pop-up window. Note:

  • You can modify the intake form type, the state, and the matter/lead type. 
  • All mapped fields will be changed to standard, non-mapped fields if you update the form. 
  • Existing configurations with the converted fields will be maintained.

Intake forms published by Smokeball cannot be edited in the Form Builder. When viewing a Smokeball form, selecting Edit Form will prompt you with the option the duplicate the form. You can then make modifications to the duplicate you create. 

Use the Mapped button if you wish to add fields which will auto-populate submitted responses from the form to the lead or matter  in Smokeball. Note: Mapped fields will change based on the matter/lead type selected.  

A few notes on Mapped fields

  • Every layout available on a Matter will be visible in the Mapped fields list. However, certain complex layouts are not functional at this time. 
  • If you attempt to add fields from a layout that is not yet functional, the form builder will stop responding.
  • At this stage we are not able to hide or provide a list of non-functional layouts.
  • We will provide updates as more layouts are added to the Form Builder.

You can duplicate an existing form if you wish to use it as the basis for a new one.

You can also search and filter matter and lead intake forms. Use the blue pin icon to add and remove filters for the state, matter type, and creator of the forms. 

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