Add a surcharge to an invoice

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost and the Grow and Prosper+ Web App

Learn how to add surcharges to your invoices, allowing you to easily pass on costs such as state taxes and payment processing fees. Save time from manually factoring in fees and reduce the likelihood of charging the wrong amount to your clients.

Enable surcharges for all invoices

  1. Select the Settings icon in the Smokeball Web App, then select Firm Settings.
    Firm Settings.png
  2. Select Invoice Settings and navigate to the PDF Invoices tab.

  3. Find the Surcharges section and enter the surcharge as a percentage or a flat dollar amount.

    • In the Apply to dropdown menu, select which types of billing items will receive a surcharge.
    • You can modify the way the surcharge appears on the invoice by editing the Label on Invoice field.

Override default surcharge settings on a matter

  1. Open the matter file and select Edit Matter from the top-right corner.
  2. Navigate to Invoice Settings, then tick Override default surcharge settings.

  3. Enter the new surcharge percentage or amount.
  4. Select Save Matter.

Apply or remove a surcharge from an invoice

After you have configured the default settings, you can apply or remove a surcharge from an individual invoice:

  • If a surcharge is enabled for the template or matter, the draft invoice page will display a toggleable Apply surcharge checkbox.

  • You can also select the pencil icon to modify the surcharge amount by a percentage or flat dollar amount.

If you choose to apply the surcharge, it will be labelled as Surcharge on the PDF invoice. 

  • Surcharge will change to the custom label you entered in the Label on invoice textbox. 
  • The surcharge will be included on PDF invoices generated individually or in bulk.
  • The surcharge will also appear on an eInvoice.

Did You Know

  • Surcharges will be included on billing reports that provide invoice breakdowns, such as Matter Balances, Invoice History, Account Statements, and Income Allocation.
  • Surcharges will also be accounted for in MYOB and Xero.
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