Edit your firm's bank account details on an invoice

Learn how to update your firm's payment details on all future invoices sent from Smokeball.

If your firm's bank account or payment details have changed, you should update your invoice template with the new details.

Update payment details on Invoice Template Notes

If the bank account details are displayed directly under the Balance Due on an invoice, you must update them from the Notes section of the invoice template.

To do this:

  1. Open the Smokeball Web App.
  2. Select the gear icon on the top-right corner, then select Firm Settings.
  3. Select Invoice Settings from the left panel.
  4. Under Template Settings, select the invoice template you wish to edit, then select the PDF Invoices tab below.
  5. Scroll down to the Notes heading. Make changes to your payment details as required.
  6. Select Save.

Update a payment detail PDF attachment

If your firm sends invoices from Smokeball with a PDF attachment containing payment details, you'll need to upload a new PDF attachment.

It's possible to attach state-specific PDFs, such as Clients Rights, to each invoice template by setting up state-specific templates.

To do this:

  1. Open the Smokeball Web App.
  2. Select the gear icon on the top-right corner, then select Firm Settings.
  3. Select Invoice Settings from the left panel.
  4. Under Template Settings, select the invoice template you wish to edit, then select the PDF Invoices tab below.
  5. Scroll down to the PDF Attachment heading. Select Choose File to upload the updated payment details PDF.
  6. Select Replace.

Important note

The updated invoice template with new payment details will only apply to invoices created in the future. Any existing invoices (draft and final) will still display the old bank account details. 

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