New Legal Product Releases - August 2024

View all new updates to matter types, automated forms and precedents for your area of law and state.

New Matter Types

  • Criminal (ACT)
    • Criminal (Lead)
  • Estate Planning (TAS)
    • Will
    • Estate Planning (Lead)

Matter Type Amendments and Updates

  • Personal Injury (NSW) - Workers Compensation, Victims of Crime, Motor Vehicle Accident:
    • Accident Details Layout updated to include Anticipated Settlement Date field.
  • Conveyancing (VIC) - Sale
    • Property Details Layout updated to include section 1.5
  • Conveyancing (WA) - Sale, Purchase
    • Added Letting Agent as uncommon contact card
  • Family (Federal) - Financial Agreement
    • Added Child Details sublayout to Child uncommon card (allows recording of primary caregiver, educational institution and grade)

Form and Precedent Updates

Administrative Tribunals (NSW)

Administrative Tribunals (NSW)

  • Added Review Revocation of Enduring Power of Attorney to NSW Forms/NCAT Forms/Guardianship Division
Child Protection (QLD, VIC)

Child Protection (QLD)

  • Updated Notice of Address for Service in QLD Forms/Children's Court of QLD
  • Updated Affidavit (form 25) in QLD Forms/Children’s Court of QLD

Child Protection (VIC)

  • Updated the following in Children's Court of VIC/Child Protection Forms:
    • Information Exchange Document - Conciliation Conference

    • Information Exchange Document (best interest) – Conciliation Conference

    • Form 43 – Affidavit of Service

  • Updated the following in VIC Forms/Children's Court of VIC/Research Materials:
    • Chapter 8 - Criminal Division - Investigation

    • Chapter 5.1 - Family Division - Child Protection - after 1 March 2016

    • Chapter 1 - Acts, Regulations, Rules

    • Chapter 7 - Criminal Division - General

    • Chapter 6 - Family Division - Intervention Orders

    • Chapter 11 - Criminal Division - Sentencing

    • Chapter 9 - Criminal Division - Custody and Bail

    • Chapter 10 - Criminal Division - Procedure

    • Chapter 3 - Court Operation

Conveyancing (Federal, NSW, QLD, VIC, ACT, WA)

Conveyancing (Federal)

  • Updated Macquarie Bank Discharge Authority in Federal Forms/Discharge Authorities
  • Deleted People's Choice Credit Union Request to Discharge a Mortgage in Federal Forms/Discharge Authorities

Conveyancing (NSW)

  • Updated Purchaser or Transferee Declaration Form - Individual in NSW Forms/Revenue NSW Forms
  • Updated Purchaser or Transferee Declaration Form - Individual in NSW Forms/Revenue NSW Forms
  • Added Declaration for the Grant of an Option to NSW Forms/Revenue NSW Forms
  • Updated Application for Exemption - Transfer of Land Used for Primary Production Between Family Members (Form ODA 071) in NSW Forms/Revenue NSW Forms

Conveyancing (QLD)

  • Added Dutiable Transaction Statement - Additional pages in QLD Forms/QRO Forms
  • Updated Schedule or Enlarged Panel (Annexure)~Form 20 in QLD Forms/Land Registry Forms

Conveyancing (VIC)

  • Updated Section 32 Vendor Statement (Automated and Basic) in VIC Forms/Conveyancing forms

Conveyancing (ACT)

  • Updated the following in ACT Forms/Access Canberra Forms:
    • Consent to Register

    • Withdrawal of Caveat

    • Transmission Application

    • Transfer and Grant of Easement

    • Notice of Change of Address for Service of Documents

    • Discharge of a Mortgage of a Sublease or Underlease

    • Discharge of Mortgage

    • Caveat on a sublease or Underlease

    • Caveat

    • Application to remove a Writ

    • Application to register a Writ

    • Application for lapsing of a caveat

    • Application to combine or separate titles

Conveyancing (WA)

  • Automated the following forms in WA Forms/Landgate:
    • Application to Register a Community Titles Scheme

    • Application to Register Strata Titles Scheme

    • Discharge of Mortgage Form D1

    • Statutory Declaration - WA

    • Transfer of Land Form T1

    • Transfer of Land with additional pages Form T2

    • Transfer of Mortgage, Charge or Freehold Lease Form T3

  • Automated the following forms in WA Forms/Revenue WA:
    • First Home Owner Rate of Duty Fact Sheet (no automation needed in it)

    • Application for First Home Owner Rate of Duty Form FDA7

    • Application for the First Home Owner Grant and or Pre-approval for the First home owner rate of duty F-FHOG1

    • Foreign Transfer Duty Declaration FDA41

    • Off-the-Plan Duty Concession Application FDA53

    • Duties Valuation - City, Town and Suburban Property FDA27

    • Statutory Declaration - WA

  • Added a shortcut folder to Discharge Authorities in Conveyancing/Sale/File Setup
Criminal (NSW, SA, ACT)

Criminal (NSW)

  • Updated Application for witness to give evidence via audio visual facilities in Local Court of NSW/Criminal Forms

Criminal (SA)

  • Added Certificate of Legal Representation in SA Forms/Uniform Civil Rules Form

Criminal (ACT)

  • Updated the following in ACT Forms/Court Procedures Act Forms:
    • Supreme Court Criminal Proceeding—Notice of Change of Solicitor
    • Supreme Court criminal proceeding—notice of solicitor acting
    • Supreme Court criminal proceeding—notice that solicitor no longer acting
    • Supreme Court criminal proceeding—notice of withdrawal of solicitor
Family (Federal, QLD, WA)

Family (Federal)

  • Updated the following in Federal Forms/Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia/Publications:
    • Guidelines for reduced fee - divorce and decree of nullity application
    • Guidelines for exemption of court fees
    • The Courts and your privacy
  • Updated the following in Federal Forms/Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia/Family Forms:
    • Notice of Address for Service
    • Child Impact Report - FAQ

    • Property and Financial Agreements and Consent Orders - What you need to know

  • Edited the superannuation clause to refer to legal personal representative:
    • Financial Agreement - Section 90C

    • Financial Agreement - Section 90D

    • Financial Agreement - Section 90UD

Family (QLD)

  • Updated Notice for Address of Service in QLD Forms

Family (WA)

  • Added Notice of Appeal to WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms
  • Added Notice of Contention to WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms
Immigration (Federal)

Immigration (Federal)

  • Updated the following in the Department of Home Affairs folder:
    • Form 888 Supporting Statement in relation to a Partner or Prospective Marriage Visa Application

    • Form 80 Personal Particulars for Assessment Including Character Assessment

Leasing (SA)

Leasing (SA)

  • Updated the following in LTO Forms Guidance Notes:
    • S1 Surrender of Lease Guide

    • S2 Surrender of Underlease

    • E2 Extension of Lease Guide

Liquor Licence (NSW, VIC)

Liquor Licence (NSW)

  • Updated Declaration - Liquor Licence Application by Proposed Licensee in NSW Forms/Liquor and Gaming NSW/Liquor Licence Forms
  • Deleted the following in NSW Forms/Liquor and Gaming NSW:
    • Category A Community Impact Statement FM2009

    • Category B Community Impact Statement FM2010

    • How to Prepare a Category B CIS FS3076

  • Added Statement of Risks and Potential Effects (SoRPE) to NSW Forms/Liquor and Gaming NSW

Liquor Licence (VIC)

  • Updated Declaration of Associates Form in VIC Forms/Liquor Control Victoria
Litigation (VIC)

Litigation (VIC)

  • Updated Associate Judges' Applications List - Application Form in VIC Forms/Supreme Court of VIC/TFM Forms
Migration (Federal)

Migration (Federal)

  • Updated Citizenship Application Fees in Federal Forms/Department of Home Affairs
Mortgage (Federal, NSW, QLD, ACT)

Mortgage (Federal)

  • Deleted Virgin Money Discharge Authority in Federal Forms/Discharge Authorities
  • Added Virgin Money Discharge Authority - Online Link to Federal Forms/Discharge Authorities

Mortgage (NSW)

  • Deleted Newcastle Permanent Mortgage Discharge and Information Request Form in Federal Forms/Discharge Authorities
  • Added Newcastle Permanent Discharge Authority - Online Link to Federal Forms/Discharge Authorities

Mortgage (QLD)

  • Updated Sign-off Lender Loan Agreement in Lexon Insurance / Mortgage / Mortgagee/ Automated and Lexon Insurance / Mortgage / Mortgagee/ Non-Automated

Mortgage (ACT)

  • Updated the following forms in ACT Forms/Access Canberra Forms:
    • Mortgage of a sublease or underlease (Form 048)
    • Sublease (Form 072)
    • Transfer (Form 052)
    • Transfer of Sublease/Underlease (Form 068)
Personal Injury (QLD, SA)

Personal Injury (QLD)

  • New forms added to QLD Forms/QLD Industrial Relations Commission:
    • Form 9 - WCR notice of appeal

    • Form 9A - Appellant's statement of facts and contentions psychiatric and/or psychological injuries

    • Form 9B - Appellant's statement of facts and contentions physical and/or psychiatric/psychological secondary injuries

    • Form 23 - List of Documents

    • Form 29 - Notice of non-party disclosure

    • Form 32 - Request for attendance notice

    • Form 32A - Attendance notice to give evidence

    • Form 32B - Attendance notice to produce

    • Form 32C - Attendance notice for production and to give evidence

Personal Injury (SA)

  • Updated Application For Access Form in SA Forms/ReturnToWorkSA
Protection Orders (QLD)

Protection Orders (QLD)

  • Updated Application to Vary a Domestic Violence Order in QLD Forms/Domestic Violence Forms


  • Updated Application for advice about guardianship or administration in VCAT Forms/Administrative Forms

Lexon Insurance Updates

Business (QLD)

Updated the following forms in Lexon Insurance/Business/Purchase/Automated and Lexon Insurance/Business/Purchase Automated/Non-Automated:

  • Business Acquisition (Purchaser) Risk Pack Completion Checklist

  • Business Asset or Business Entity Acquisition - Overview - Purchaser

  • Purchaser Part 1(A) - Scope Letter

  • Purchaser Part 1(B) - Scope Letter

  • Purchaser Part 2 - Letter - Confidentiality Deed

  • Purchaser Part 3(A) - Initial Letter to Purchaser Regarding Legal Due Diligence

  • Purchaser Part 3(B) - Initial Letter to Vendor Regarding Purchaser Legal Due Diligence

  • Purchaser Part 3(C) - Letter to Purchaser's other Advisers Regarding Legal Due Diligence

  • Purchaser Part 3(D) - Letter to Purchaser Regarding Legal Due Diligence

  • Purchaser Part 3(E) - Letter to Purchaser Subsequent to Legal Due Diligence Report

  • Purchaser Part 3(F) - Letter to Vendor Regarding Purchaser's DecisionPurchaser

  • Part 4 - Pre-Contractual Letter to Purchaser

  • Purchaser Part 5 Option 1 - Letter to Purchaser Regarding Contractual Issues (Business Sale)

  • Purchaser Part 5 Option 2 - Letter to Purchaser Regarding Contractual Issues (Equity Sale)

  • Purchaser Part 6 - Letter to Purchaser Regarding Post Contract Issues

  • Purchaser Part 7 - Preparing for Completion

  • Purchaser Part 7 - Settlement Statement

  • Purchaser Part 8 - Letter to Purchaser re Post-Completion

Updated the following forms in Lexon Insurance/Business/Sale/Automated and Lexon Insurance/Business/Sale/Non-Automated:

  • Business Acquisition (Vendor) Risk Pack Completion Checklist

  • Business Asset or Business Entity Acquisition - Overview - Vendor

  • Vendor Part 1(A) - Scope Letter

  • Vendor Part 1(B) - Scope Letter

  • Vendor Part 2 - Letter - Confidentiality Deed

  • Vendor Part 3 and 4 - Due Diligence and Pre-Contractual

  • Vendor Part 5 Option 1 - Letter to Vendor Regarding Contractual Issues (Business Sale)

  • Vendor Part 5 Option 2 - Letter to Vendor Regarding Contractual Issues (Equity Sale)

  • Vendor Part 6 - Letter to Vendor Regarding Post-Contract Issues

  • Vendor Part 7 - Preparing for Completion

  • Vendor Part 7 - Settlement Statement

  • Vendor Part 8 - Letter to Vendor Regarding Post-Completion

Elder Law (QLD)

Updated the following forms in Lexon Insurance / Elder Law / Automated and Lexon Insurance / Elder Law / Non-Automated:

  • Elder Law - Overview
  • Manufactured Homes Review Checks and Advice Letter
  • Retirement Villages Review Checks and Advice Letter
  • Risk Pack Completion Checklist
  • Aged Care Review Checks and Advice Letter
Conveyancing (QLD)

Updated the following form in Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Conveyancing/Purchase/Non-Automated/Off The Plan CTS:

  • 4a. Buyer Questionnaire and Authority OTP CTS

Marketplace Precedent Updates

FLENA - Family (Federal)


  • SP5 - Domestic Violence - Coercive Control
  • Defaulters List Precedent Suite:

    • DEFL Checklist

    • DEFL1 - Cost Notice

    • DEFL2A - Letter to Client (Client IS defaulting party)

    • DEFL2B - Letter to Client (client is NOT defaulting party)

    • DEFL3 - Letter to Other Party

    • DEFL4 - Letter to Client serving unfiled Notice of Ceasing to Act - 7 day notice letter

    • DEFL5 - Letter to Client serving filed Notice of Ceasing to Act

    • DEFL6 - Letter to Other Party serving filed Notice of Ceasing to Act

    • DEFL7 - Letter to Other Party serving additional material

    • DEFL8 - Defaulters List Submission

    • DEFL9 - Letter of Outcome to Client after Court – next steps & Invoice + funds in trust for next step

  • Consent Orders precedents:
    • SP4A - Precedent Final Orders for Initiating Application, Response and by consent during proceedings

    • SP4B - Precedent Interim Orders for Initiating Application, Response and by consent during proceedings

    • SP4C - Precedent Final Consent Orders (no proceedings on foot)


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