Probate (WA)

The Probate (WA) matter type provides the necessary contact cards and layouts to prepare a Probate application.

Common Cards and Layouts

The following Contact Cards and Layouts appear by default on a Probate (WA) matter:

  • Executor with its Details
  • Deceased
  • Case Details
    Enter the case number and court name.
  • Application Details
    Enter the date of grant and view the gross value, liabilities and net value of assets in Western Australia.
  • Will Details
    Enter the date of Will, the date of any Codicil and the names of witnesses for the Will and Codicil.
  • Personal Effects
    Enter the details, ownership information and joint owners for any personal effects owned by the Deceased.
  • Real Estate
    Enter the address, title reference, ownership information and joint owners for any real estates owned by the Deceased.
  • Asset Holder with its Asset Details
    Enter the details, ownership information and joint owners for any assets held by the Deceased with an Asset Holder.
  • Creditor with its Liability Details
    Enter the details, ownership information and joint debtors for any liabilities owed by the Deceased to a Creditor.
  • Beneficiary with its Details

Uncommon Contact Cards and Layouts

Uncommon contact cards are also available for selection on a matter-by-matter basis:

  • Previous Solicitor
  • Additional Contact

Learn how to select uncommon contacts from within the matter.

If you don’t see a contact card needed for this matter type, you can submit a request for it to be added to Smokeball.

Precedent Library

The Probate (WA) matter provides access to the Estate Administration (WA) Precedent Profile. This pre-set Precedent Library folder contains non-legally drafted precedents for everyday use, together with shortcuts to commonly used documents found under Court & Authority forms.

image (63).png

If the Precedent Profile does not appear in the Precedent Library, please ensure that you have subscribed to the Precedent Profile.

If you don’t see a commonly used and publicly available form and you would like it added to Smokeball, you can request a form.

Precedent Spotlight

  • Probate Forms such as the Consent Forms, Notice Form and Statement of Assets and Liabilities obtained from the Supreme Court of Western Australia website
  • Section 63 Notice obtained from the Trustees Act 1962.

Recent Updates

The Western Australia Estate Administration Matter Types were recently converted from Non-Localised Matter Types to Western Australia Localised Matter Types. Please see our What to expect when Smokeball localises a Matter Type to see how these changes may apply to you.

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