What to expect when Smokeball localises a Matter Type

Non-Localised Matter Types are available for the purpose of supplying a temporary Matter Type for States and Territories that Smokeball did not support at the time.

Smokeball is gradually re-evaluating the Non-Localised matter offerings in all States and Territories.

What should I expect when a new State/Territory Matter Type is released?

When a Localised State or Territory Matter Type is released, it replaces the existing Non-Localised Matter Type in Smokeball.

The next matter you create with this Matter Type will contain the updated matter structure, including localised changes in contact cards and layouts.

Should I convert my Non-Localised Matter Type?

It is not recommended to convert Non-Localised matters to the new Localised State or Territory Matter Type due to the differences in the structure. Some data will not be transferred after converting.

Updating Matter Configurations, Matter Stages and Workflows that were set up using Non-Localised Matter Types

If you have been using Non-Localised Matter Types and have set up Matter Configurations, Matter Stages and/or Workflows for these matters, they will need to be set up for the new Localised State or Territory Matter Type.

List of former Non-Localised Matter Types

The following list of Matter Types have been converted from the Non-Localised Matter Type into a Localised State/Territory Matter Type:

Date Released Matter Type
28 August 2024

TAS Estate Planning

31 July 2024

TAS Estate Planning

27 June 2024
WA Conveyancing
WA Litigation
24 June 2024 WA Criminal
21 June 2024

ACT Estate Planning

21 May 2024 WA Estate Planning
16 May 2024 WA Estate Planning
17 April 2024 WA Estate Planning
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