VIC - Power of Attorney

To create a new Power of Attorney matter, follow the steps below:

  1. Select Power of Attorney > Next
    VIC Power of Attorney New Matter.png
  2. Each Client MUST be entered separately.  
  3. Enter Client 1 Contact Card
    VIC PoA Client 1.png
  4. Enter Non-Enduring Power of Attorney Details on Tab 1
    VIC POA Non Enduring Details.png
  5. Enter Non-Enduring Power of Attorney Details on Tab 2
    VIC POA Enduring Details.png
  6. To add Client 2 Contact Card:
    1. Right-click on the Client 1 Label "Client"
    2. Select "Add Client"
    3. Select "Same Solicitor"
      VIC POA Add client 2.png
  7. Enter details for Client 2
    VIC PoA Client 2 Card.png
  8. A new Power of Attorney Details layout will appear for Client 2 information to be inserted
    POA VIC Client 2 Details.png
  9. Enter Non Enduring Power of Attorney or Enduring Power of Attorney Details  for Client 2 (i.e. repeat process set out in Items 4 and 5 above.
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