Create Bulk Client to Office Transfers

You are able to create a bulk  payment of invoices on matters that have Client account funds available by using our Client to Office function.

  1. Under the Invoices Section, click on the Tab Client to Office. This is where you will be creating your Bulk Transfer
  2. Use the filters on the left-hand side to narrow down the displayed list and then select the invoices you want to pay in one batch Client to Office Transfer by checking the box on the left-hand side.
    • By default, the Auto Allocate button will be enabled. This automatically applies the maximum available trust amount to the invoice. If you turn this off, the Trust Transfer column field is then editable and only accepts a value that is available in the matter Client account.
    • As invoices are selected, the number displayed in brackets in the PAY button will reflect the number of invoices that are selected.
  3. Click on the PAY button to proceed with the bulk transaction.

Note: The payment date shown on Trust to Office Transfers will default to the date it was entered into Smokeball, in accordance with Law Society requirements.

Payment Process

Once the PAY button has been clicked, a Trust to Office window appears with a summary of the transaction including the total amount, and the number of invoices and matters affected.

You can then select the Cheque Printing Method - (Select Not Applicable for Bank Transfer)  and enter a reason for the transaction. Note: The reason field is mandatory for compliance.


The cheque process is the same as individual cheque payments however if there is more than one invoice included in the transaction, the remittance and office copy sections will list a table, detailing each matter.

Transaction Details Window

Navigate to the Accounts section on the left panel and click on Transactions to find the Trust to Office Transaction.

When you click on it, the Transaction Details will display a list of all of the invoices on the Client to Office Transfer and the paid amount that was allocated to the invoice, as well as the Client to Office total.


On the Transaction Detail window, click on the Reverse link, which is located at the bottom of the screen. As per normal, provide your reason and click the PROCESS button.

Note: This will reverse all payments on all invoices included in the bulk transfer

Please note that if you view the Transaction Details at a matter, contact, or account level, it will still reverse all of the payments that are linked to the Client to Office transfer.

List Refinements

The existing trust ledger will display the transaction with the description e.g. Trust to Office Transfer for invoices #1, #5, #23, and #45.

The invoice numbers will be hyperlinked to the invoice and display all the invoices on hover to assist when space does not permit all to be displayed on the list.

Bank Reconciliation

The Bank Reconciliation creation screen will display the Client to Office transfers as a collapsible group so that you can see the individual invoices that are a part of the transaction.

On the Bank Reconciliation PDF statement, the Client to Office payment is shown as individual items although the Reference will be the same for them all, which will allow the user to identify that it was a part of a Crust to Office Transfer transaction.

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