Smokeball Boost Release - September 2023

Available on Smokeball Boost

This month's Smokeball Boost release features an exciting new feature and updates. Read on to learn more.

New Features

  • Smokeball Boost now features a Dashboard with widgets to present the information you need to know on a day-to-day basis at the forefront. Learn more about the Boost Dashboard.
    • The Leads with No Activity and Matters with No Activity widgets are now available on your Dashboard.
  • You can now access the Unpaid Invoices report. 
  • Boost self-sign up
    • Boost trial users can now input their credit card information to purchase a full account.
    • Pay month-by-month or sign up for a 12-month plan.
    • You will have the option to contact us if you prefer a 36-month plan. 


  • Character limits on LEDES IDs have been removed. This update applies to:
    • Firm ID
    • Matter ID
    • Client Matter ID
    • Client ID
  • You can now make calls from phone numbers in Contacts using your default voice app.
  • Hyperlinks are now supported in Tasks.
  • Memo Improvements
    • You can now add timestamps to memos.
    • You can now print Memos. 
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