Regenerate the code or delete the link for a Lead Intake form

Available on Smokeball Prosper+ LeadPro_only.png

After embedding a new lead intake form on your website, you can retrieve the code again to share it elsewhere. You can also sever the link to the lead intake form if you no longer wish to collect more responses on it.

To do this:

  1. Select the gear icon on the top-right corner of Smokeball to enter Smokeball Settings.
    1. On the web app, you can access Smokeball Settings by selecting the gear icon in the lower-left corner and then selecting Firm Settings.
  2. Select the Intake Forms tab on the left panel.
  3. Under the Web Inquiry tab, select the three dots icon next to the relevant lead intake form.
  4. Choose one of the following actions:

    • Delete Link - this takes the form off public view, and users will no longer be able to access the form. You will have to select New Link to re-establish the form.
    • Copy "Link" - copy the direct URL to the form. This is ideal if you wish to share the form via your signature or on social media.
    • Copy "Embedded" - copy the HTML code of the form to embed it on another website or webpage.
    • Copy "Contact Us" - copy the HTML code of a Contact Us button that links to the form to embed it on another website or webpage.

The difference between the "Embedded" and "Contact Us" options are illustrated below:

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