Add Google Analytics tracking to Lead Intake forms

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Smokeball features an integration with Google Analytics that enhances the tracking of Lead Intake forms submitted by your clients. If your firm uses Google Analytics, you can add your measurement ID to any new or existing lead intake form. After the integrated lead intake form is published and a client submits the form, analytic information such as the number of form submissions and form titles is sent to your Google Analytics profile.  

Before you begin

This article assumes the following:

  • You have connected Google Analytics to your website
  • You have your Google Analytics measurement ID/tag ID ready to enter into Smokeball.

Learn how to retrieve your Google measurement ID/tag ID.

Set up the Google Analytics integration for a new web inquiry link

  1. If you are using the desktop app, open Settings, select Intake Forms, and then select New Link. If you are using the web app, navigate to Firm Settings in the web app, select Intake Forms, and then select New Link. 
  2. Copy your Google Analytics measurement ID from the Data streams page. Learn more about measurement IDs from Google's help article.   
  3. Navigate back to Smokeball and paste the measurement ID into the provided field on the New Link window.
  4. Depending on how you prefer to integrate the intake form on your website, select Copy Link or Copy Code and paste the link/code into your webpage. Learn more about Lead Intake form links.

Set up Google Analytics for an existing web inquiry link 

You can add a Google Analytics link to a pre-existing form by selecting the three dot icon and then selecting Change Settings. Paste the Google Analytics measurement ID into the provided field and select Update.

Note: Google Analytics will not retroactively apply to forms which have already been submitted. Google Analytics will only apply to forms submitted after the link is updated. You will not have to generate a new form link or embed code. 







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