Business Contacts

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Your Client

How you enter your client information can affect two different areas of Smokeball. First, for document automation, the fields used for a Person contact vs. an Organization contact are slightly different. These differences can be addressed this by customizing your automation fields.

Second, your client is the default debtor. It can be helpful to enter your client as the person or entity you are billing. If you are billing the entity, you should enter your client as a business. If you are billing the person that is forming the entity, enter as a person. For most matter types in the Business section, there is a separate place to enter the entity information.

If your client is an entity, but you are dealing with a member of the business, you should enter that person as the contact. Be sure to include their Business Role at the entity.


Additional Parties Not Listed

There are a variety of additional fields in Smokeball's Business Law matter types.

If you don't see a particular party listed in the matter details, navigate to matter options (the gear icon in the upper right corner of the matter) to access additional contacts. You then add or remove parties as needed.

Identifying roles on contacts

When working with business entities, it is important to note who is who. Smokeball offers a place to indicate a contact’s business role. If they have more than one role, leave this area blank and just identify their role under case details.



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