Forms for Business Law

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

This article provides an overview of Business law forms that Smokeball can help generate. These include both your proprietary forms that you wish to set up for automation or existing forms from Smokeball's extensive Court & Authority database.

Proprietary Documents to Submit for Client Automation

Smokeball can help generate your proprietary letters and documents quickly and accurately from our Forms and Templates Library. Below are some popular forms to submit for Smokeball to automate or work with a trainer to learn to automate in Smokeball:

  • Company Agreement
  • Operating Agreement
  • Engagement Agreement
  • Purchase and Sale of Business Agreement
  • Letter for Annual Report
  • Meeting minutes template

Existing Court & Authority Forms

Smokeball has a variety of forms from the Secretary of State’s office for Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Organization, Certificates of Dissolution, etc. You can find them in the Court and Authority forms section of the Forms & Templates Library. Note: The location of the Secretary of State forms may vary slightly within the Court and Authority Forms section depending on your state.

If we are missing a form from the Secretary of State, tell us, and we will add it. You can use the Request a form button to let us know what you need added. 

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