Probate & Estate Administration Contacts

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Edit legal role and description

Additional Parties and Details

Additional Parties Not Listed

  • There are a variety of additional fields in Smokeball's Probate & Estate Administration Law matter types.
  • If you don't see a particular party listed in the matter details, select the gear to access the matter setting.
  • Add or remove parties as needed.

Edit Legal Role and Description

  • You can use Smokeball’s edit legal role and description feature to describe involved parties. For example, to note than an heir is their daughter, son, cousin or minor etc.

Additional Parties and Details

Often times there is more than one heir or even property on matters. To add in additional, right click on the field you need more of and select “add “CATEGORY SELECTED.”

The matter will read as CATEGORY 1, 2 and so forth.

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