SA - Fertility

This article will show you how to:

Creating a Fertility Matter

To create a new Fertility matter, follow the steps below. 

  1. Select Fertility> Intended Parent or Surrogate or Donor.


  2. Enter the parties' details. For help on this, see Adding Contacts.

  3. If the parties need to commence court proceedings, you may select the parties' role in the proceedings e.g. Applicant or Respondent under Details.


  4. Enter the Case Details.


Adding Additional Contacts

  1. To add further Contacts to your matter such as a Fertility Clinic, open the Matter Settings and select the appropriate Contact.


Changing who you represent

  1. To change who you represent, for example if you have selected that you act for the Intended Parent when you in fact represent the Surrogate, you can change this by Double-Clicking on 'Matter Type' and select the correct party that you represent. 


Commonly Used Forms and Precedents


  1. Letter to Client enclosing Donor Agreement
  2. Letter to Client enclosing Surrogacy Agreement
  3. Letter to Donor's Solicitor enclosing Donor Agreement
  4. Letter to Surrogate's Solicitor enclosing Surrogacy Agreement
  5. Letter to Other Side's Solicitor serving Court documents
  6. Letter to Client enclosing sealed orders and Tax Invoice

Youth Court of SA Forms

  1. Form S1 Application for an Order of the Court (Surrogacy)
  2. Form S4 Affidavit
  3. Form S5 Interlocutory Application - Leave to Intervene


  1. Affidavit
  2. Affidavit - Non Filing of FDR Certificate 
  3. Application in a Proceeding
  4. Genuine Steps Certificate
  5. Initiating Application
  6. Marriage, Families and Separation (prescribed brochure)
  7. Notice of Child Abuse, Family Violence or Risk
  8. Questionnaire - Parenting
  9. Response to Initiating Application
  10. Submitting Notice
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