View Client Portal messages

Learn how to find all Communicate Client Portal messages addressed to you and how to access them at any time. 

Smokeball Desktop App Smokeball Web App

Smokeball Desktop App

Receiving notifications for new messages

When you receive a new message, a notification will display on the firm-level Messages tab. It also contains conversations across all matters.


If you’re in a matter that has a new message, the notification will also display in the Messages tab of the matter:


You’ll also receive a notification on your Windows taskbar:


If you don't have the Smokeball window active, Smokeball will also send a Windows desktop notification for any new messages that remain unread after 30 seconds. Note that this only works if any Windows notification blockers, such as Focus Assist, are turned off.


How to tell if a recipient has viewed a message

A small avatar icon will appear under a message when a recipient has viewed that message.


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