Summarise a Client Portal Conversation with AI

Available on Smokeball Prosper+

When a conversation in the Client Portal gets lengthy, use the AI summary to focus on key points and actions.

To summarise a conversation:

  1. Open the Client Portal by selecting the Messages tab in Smokeball or within a Smokeball matter, and open the relevant conversation.
  2. Select the Summarise Conversation button in the upper right corner.
  3. The summary will appear as an orange speech bubble as a new message from "Conversation Summary (AI-generated)."

Additional Notes

  • You can summarise internal and external conversations so long as you are a participant in the conversation.
  • Only internal users can view the summary.
  • Clicking on the Summarise Conversation button again will remove the previous summary. The new summary will account for any new messages that have been posted in the conversation.
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