Help clients keep track of invoices in the Client Portal

Your clients can easily keep track of their outstanding balances and make payments in the Client Portal by using the Billing Widget. 

The Billing Widget is displayed as Invoice Information on the Client Portal Overview page.

The widget shows outstanding invoices and includes a per-matter balance with a link to the eInvoice page and a Pay Now button. Note: Both eInvoices and the Pay Now button must first be toggled on in Billing Settings.

How the Billing Widget works

The Billing Widget will only display for your client under the following circumstances:

  • Once the client has been invoiced
  • The client's contact card has an email address 
    • The Billing Widget will not display if the same email address is associated with multiple contact cards.
    • If a single contact card features multiple email addresses, then the widget will only display for the first email address.

The full amount of the invoice will show to the debtor even if the invoice or matter features multiple debtors.

  • The matter amount will only include invoices where the person signed in is a debtor.
  • The Pay Now button will not display if the matter has outstanding invoices with multiple debtors.
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