Managing multiple letterheads


Learn how to switch and change letterheads if your firm has set up multiple letterheads for different uses.

Selecting a new letterhead for a blank letter

By default, your firm’s default letterhead is selected automatically. You can set Smokeball to apply a different letterhead to the default one when creating a new letter.

  1. Open the matter. In the Action Bar, select New Document and select Letter/Fax.Letter Fax.png
  2. In the new window:
    • Choose the letterhead you wish to use.
    • Tick the contacts that the letter should be addressed to.
    • When you tick multiple contacts, the Layout Options section activates. Choose whether Smokeball should generate one document per addressee, or one document with all addressees listed.
  3. Select Create Document to use the selected letterhead.

Switching letterheads on a precedent

If you want to use a letterhead on an existing precedent:

  1. Open the Precedent Library from the Precedent button in a matter.
  2. Right-click on the relevant precedent and select Open with container...
  3. Select the relevant letterhead in the new window.
  4. Click Create.

Apply a new default letterhead to a precedent template

To set Smokeball to apply a certain letterhead when you open a precedent automatically:

  1.  Open the Precedent Library from the Precedent button in a matter.
  2. Right-click on the relevant precedent and select Modify.
    • Word will then open the precedent in Modify Mode.
  3. On the Smokeball toolbar on the right-hand side of Word, click and expand on Details.
  4. Select a new letterhead under the Container drop-down menu.
  5. Select Save & Close.

The precedent now opens with the new letterhead automatically. 

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