Document Containers and Word Styles

Learn how Word Styles work in Smokeball when using document containers.

New to document containers? Refer to Getting Started with Document Containers.

Smokeball document containers are configured to use Word's Normal style:

When your firm’s Letter and other document containers are set up, the Normal style in the document containers are modified to your firm’s preferred setting, e.g. Calibri font, font size 12.

How the Normal style works

The Normal style is applied to the Body Content automation field in your document containers. Learn how document containers work.

This means that all Precedent Library Precedents linked to a document container will use the same Normal style setting applied in that corresponding document container.

When creating a Word Precedent in the Precedent Library that is linked to a document container, the Precedent is set up to use Normal style for all the text in the whole precedent.

If any text requires any other formatting (i.e. bold, underline, different font size), this formatting is applied to the relevant text (on top of the Normal style).

How styles apply on Precedents linked to document containers

When you are working from your matter and generate a Precedent from the Precedent Library that is linked to a document container, it will do the following:

  1. The precedent’s Normal style setting grabs the Normal style setting in the corresponding document container.
  2. Then, if the precedent has any text with additional formatting applied to it on top of the Normal style, it will apply that formatting on top of the document container’s Normal style setting (overriding it).

Does your firm have personalised Word styles?

If your firm has its own set of styles it would like to use, learn how to set up your Word styles in document containers.

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