Smokeball Web App Release - September 2023

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+ Web App

This month, we have released some new features and refinements to the Smokeball Web App. Read on to learn more.

New features

New Billing Report - Matter Cost Estimates

The Matter Cost Estimates report gives you a snapshot of all time-based matters against their estimate. This helps with identifying matters approaching their estimates, so you can use this information to give new estimates or write off anything in excess of the original estimate. 

Filters in this report:

  • Percentage range
    • 0 - 50
    • 50 - 70
    • 70 - 100
    • 100+
  • Person Responsible
  • Practice Area
  • Matter Type
  • Matter Status
  • Group By
    • None
    • Practice Area
    • Person Responsible
    • Client

Columns in this report:

  • Matter Number

  • Client (Listed by Last Name, First Name)

  • Matter Description

  • Practice Area

  • Person Responsible (Listed by First Name, Last Name)

  • Total Billed (excluding GST)

  • Total Unbilled (excluding GST)

  • Combined Total (excluding GST)
    a. Total Billed (ex GST) + Total Unbilled (ex GST)

  • Fee Estimate

  • Percent

    • Percentage = (Combined Total (excluding GST) / Fee Estimate) * 100

Important Notes:

  1. Results are sorted by Percent in descending order (highest percent first).
  2. Discounts reduce Billed Fees and Billed Total.

This report excludes:

  • Write-offs and non-billable fees
  • Surcharge and interest
  • Matters that do not have an estimate
  • Fixed fee and contingency matters


Call contact phone numbers directly from the contact card

You can now click on a phone number in a contact card to call the contact from your device's voice app.

Improvements to tasks and memos

You can now add hyperlinks to task descriptions, add timestamps to memos and print memos directly from the Web App.

Income Allocation Report changes

In the Income Allocation Report (Summary and Detail):

  • You can now track internal and staff referrals by selecting Introducer in the Run By drop-down menu.
  • The filters now include the option to select Practice Area instead of Area of Law.
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