Smokeball Web App Release - October 2023

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+ Web App

This month, we have released some new features and refinements to the Smokeball Web App. Read on to learn more.

New features

Add a billing frequency to a matter

You can now assign a Billing Frequency to individual matters, to easily keep track of invoices that fall within a specific billing period.

To do this:

  1. Select Edit Matter on a matter file.
  2. Navigate to the Billing Fees and Rates section and choose an option from the Billing Frequency drop-down menu:
    • Annually - choose a starting month
    • Monthly - choose all months, odd months or even months
    • Quarterly - choose the group of starting months
    • Hold - choose this to identify matters that are being worked on but should not be billed yet
  3. Select Save Matter.

Choosing a billing frequency does not change any other functionality in Smokeball. 

You can also filter the Invoices and Create Invoices lists by Billing Frequency.

Add, edit and filter categories on tasks

Organise your list of tasks by applying categories to them. 

Filter tasks by category in the Tasks section using the left panel.

Categories created in the Web App can also be accessed on the desktop app.

New Billing Report - Billed Fees & Disbursements - Details

The Billed Fees & Disbursements Report breaks down the Billed Fees & Disbursements Summary Report even further to show what was billed on a matter or invoice level. Use this report to check that invoices were billed correctly.

Filters displayed in this report Columns displayed in this report
  • Invoice date range
  • Include GST
  • Run By:
    • Practice Area
    • Matter Type
    • Introducer
    • Person Responsible
    • Timekeeper
    • Client
    • Referrer
  • Subtotal By:
    • Practice Area
    • Matter Type
    • Introducer
    • Person Responsible
    • Timekeeper
    • Client
    • Referrer
  • Level of detail
    • Matter
    • Matter & Invoice
  • Timekeeper
  • Person Responsible
  • Introducer
  • Internal Reference
  • Matter Number
  • Client
  • Matter Type
  • Matter Description
  • Person Responsible
  • Introducer
  • Timekeeper
  • Invoice Number
    • Appears if Matter & Invoice is selected for the Level of detail
  • Disbursements Billed
  • Hours Billed
    • Rounded to the nearest hundredth
  • Fees Billed
  • GST Billed
    • Appears if Include GST = True
  • Total Billed
    • Includes GST if Include GST = True



Columns displayed when Level of Detail: Matter

Columns displayed when Level of Detail: Matter & Invoice

Important Notes

  • Discounts are applied to fees billed only.
  • Write-offs are not included.
  • Non-billables are not included.
  • Interest Charges are not included.
  • Surcharges are not included.


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