Create a lead

Learn how to create a new lead in Smokeball.

Leads are included in Smokeball Prosper+ and available as an add-on to Smokeball Grow and Smokeball Boost.

Entering a lead is similar to creating a new matter.

Smokeball Desktop App Smokeball Web App

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+ LeadPro_only.png

To add a new lead, go to the Smokeball homepage and click on the New Lead button located at the top left corner.


From the New Lead window, you can take notes and record important information right away while on the phone with the lead.

  1. Enter the lead's name, mobile and/or email. If the lead already exists in Smokeball, select them from the drop-down menu that appears when you type their name.
  2. Assign the Lead Type. This is similar to selecting a new matter type.
    • For specific matter types, you can choose a Matter or Lead Intake form from the Intake Form drop-down menu.
  3. Assign the Person Responsible for the lead.
  4. Assign the Referrer and Referral type.
  5. Record the financial details of the Billing Type and Fee/Estimate provided.
  6. Record any notes into a Memo.
  7. Select Create Lead to create the Lead. 
  8. Select Create & Open to open the Lead file and continue to work on it.

View existing leads

To view a list of leads, select the Leads folder from the Matter View.

You can also add a New Leads widget to your Dashboard to keep track of all new leads that come through to your firm. Learn more about widgets and the dashboard.

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