Pay an Invoice from Trust Funds

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost and the Grow and Prosper+ Web App

Learn how to use Smokeball to pay an invoice with trust funds so you can stay on top of your trust accounting.

Applying a trust payment when drafting the invoice

  1. Draft an invoice.
  2. After reviewing the invoice, select the Final tab, then click on the Pay From Trust option in the right-hand column.
  3. Enter the amount to pay from trust.
  4. Finalise the invoice once it’s ready. Upon finalising the invoice, the trust payment is processed as well as being reflected on the invoice.

Applying a trust payment to a finalised invoice

  1. Open the matter, then select the Invoices tab.
  2. Click on the invoice.
  3. On the right-hand panel, select Pay now under the Trust amount.
  4. Add the trust payment.

Applying a trust payment to multiple invoices

  1. Open the matter, then select the Invoices tab.
  2. Click on Add Payment.
  3. Select the matter and/or client as required.
  4. Enter the amount to be paid in the Amount field.
  5. In the Type dropdown menu, select the trust account.
  6. There will be a list of invoices you can apply the trust payment to. Next to each invoice, enter the amount for the invoice for which you are making the payment.
    • You can pay multiple invoices for the matter or client (depending on your selection in Step 3).
    • The trust payment amount must be equal to the total of the invoices selected.
  7. Type in the Reason (required).
  8. Click Process to apply the trust payment to the selected invoices.

You can also add a payment from the Invoices section on the left menu.

View unpaid invoices with available trust funds

  1. Select Invoices from the left menu.
  2. Select the Trust To Office tab.

The page displays a list of matters with the amount due, and trust balance available.

Learn more about using the Trust to Office for invoice payments.

Good to Know

  • Once you have added a payment to an invoice, you cannot delete the payment, however, you can reverse it.
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