Access Firm Insights by matter and matter type

Available on Smokeball Prosper+

Firm Insights assists you with managing and growing your law firm. Use Firm Insights to review your firm’s profitability estimates by matter and matter type.

If you find yourself asking the following questions, then our profitability reports can help: 

  • Is there more time that could have been billed? 
  • Are we discounting on invoices too often? 
  • Are we not collecting enough? 
  • What areas of law or matter types are performing the best? 
  • What areas of law or matter types are underperforming? 
  • Where am I losing potential profit? Where am I most profitable? 

Running these reports alongside the Firm Insights Dashboard and Fee Earner reports will help you paint a picture of how your firm is performing.

How to access Firm Insights

Access to these reports is located in Firm Insights. Select Firm Insights from the home screen, then select the Matter tab to run Profitability by Matter, or Matter Type to run Profitability by Matter Type.

Firm Insights are only available for Firm Owners on Smokeball Prosper.

Firm Insights by Matter

This report is extremely helpful in looking at the profitability across all matters, area of law, or even billing type.

When you click on Run Report, matters will be displayed in a list based on the filters you have set.

Firm Insights by Matter Type

This report is similar to Firm Insights by Matter, however, it displays matter types for each line item.

How to read the report

The table below defines each column and how the figures are calculated:

Column Name Description
AT Time All billable and non-billable activities completed in Smokeball presented as an hourly figure
AT Total All billable and non-billable activities completed in Smokeball in dollar figures, based on the fee earner's hourly rate in Settings
Staff Cost Cost to the business compared to time spent working in Smokeball
Fees Entered All billable fees entered into Smokeball, including waived amounts
Fees Billed All fees billed/invoiced on any matters that have had an activity completed or fee recorded on them during the period - this does not show all fees billed during the period
Fees Collected All fees paid on any matters that have had an activity completed or fee recorded on them during the period - this does not show all feeds paid during the period
Collection % Fees Collected as a percentage of Fees Billed
Estimated Profit Fees Collected minus Staff Cost 


Extract data from the report

You can print or export the report to a .CSV file on the top-left corner of the screen.

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