QLD - Settlement Statement - Purchaser Amounts for Settlement - Purchase

Where it is

State: QLD

Path: Conveyancing/Purchase/Pre Settlement

What it looks like


Where the data comes from

  1. Calculation: Matter Info: Person Responsible initials: Matter number
  2. Calculation: Purchaser's surname(s) obtained from Purchaser contact card(s) and Vendor's surname(s) obtained from Vendor contact card(s)
  3. Property Details: Property Address
  4. Conveyancing Details: Settlement Date
  5. Settlement Financials: Adjustment Date automatically populates from Conveyancing Details: Settlement Date but can be manually overwritten
  6. Conveyancing Details: Contract Date
  7. Conveyancing Details: Settlement Details: Location
  8. Conveyancing Details: Settlement Details: Time
  9. Conveyancing Details: Purchase Price
  10. Conveyancing Details: Deposit Total
  11. Calculation: Purchase Price less Paid Deposit Amount
  12. Settlement Financials: All Adjustment Items
  13. Calculation: Total of all Purchaser and Vendor Adjustments in Settlement Financials plus Balance (11)
  14. Settlement Financials: List of all amounts required to settle
  15. Settlement Financials: Total amount required to settle
  16. Settlement Financials: Adjustments: Water Usage

Handy Hints

  • To remove an item from Settlement Financials hover over the entry with your mouse and click the Delete button
  • If the deposit does not display, ensure it has been selected as paid in Conveyancing Details
  • If GST applies to the purchase price select the GST Type in Conveyancing Details and complete the GST Amount
  • If GST applies to adjustments, check Plus GST on each adjustment in Settlement Financials
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