Send past due invoice reminders

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost and the Grow and Prosper+ Web App

Each invoice generated from Smokeball includes a due date. Learn how to track invoices that have passed their due date and issue reminder notices directly to the debtors when required.

Before you begin

  1. Review payments due dates in invoice settings.
  2. Review Invoice Reminders in your firm’s email template.

Once all steps above are complete, you will be ready to send past due reminders.

Viewing overdue invoices

Select Invoices from the left panel, then select the Reminders tab.


Use the Filters panel to refine the list of invoices. You can:

  • Exclude invoices that have had recent reminders issued
  • Filter by overdue amount and length of time overdue
  • Filter by matter status or type
  • Filter by the staff member responsible

Sending out invoice reminders

  1. Tick the matters for which you wish to send reminders.
  2. Select Bulk Actions, then choose to send an email reminder or Mark as Sent (if the reminder has been sent to the client other than email).

You can also send reminders for individual matters by selecting the three dots icon on the right-most column:


When you choose Send via Email, each debtor will receive a PDF reminder notice via email. You will receive a confirmation screen, but you won't be able to review each individual email. To amend the contents of the reminder email, visit Smokeball Firm Settings.

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