Customise invoice templates

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost and the Grow and Prosper+ Web App

Customise invoices to your liking by creating invoice templates.

Using templates, you can apply different invoice styles for different practice areas and billing types. You can also edit or change invoice settings at any time.

Accessing Invoice Settings and Invoice Templates

  1. Select the Settings icon in the Smokeball Web App, then select Firm Settings.
    Firm Settings.png
  2. Navigate to Invoice Settings from the left panel.
  3. Select Add New and type in the name of your new invoice template.2023-08-29_15-35-06.png

Customising your invoice template

Start from the Your logo section and work your way down the page, then Save the page before moving on to the next tab.
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The sample invoice on the right side of the screen updates automatically when you change a setting.

Basic PDF Invoices eInvoice

Basic tab

In the Basic tab, you can edit the following:

  • Invoice logo
  • Firm name font and font size
  • Heading font
  • Body font
  • Firm details - enter your firm's ABN here. This field appears under the invoice logo.
  • Letterhead layout
  • Page margins
  • Grid styles - how line items show in the invoice

Remember to select Save before moving to the next tab.

Applying an invoice template to a matter

To change the Invoice Template on any matter:

  1. Navigate to the matter, then select Edit Matter.
  2. Select Invoice Settings from the Quick Links panel on the left menu.
  3. Under Invoice Settings, select the invoice template from the drop-down menu. The invoice title, subtitle, and notes fields will update based on the template's settings. You can change them here without affecting the original template.
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  4. Select Save Matter at the bottom of the screen.

Customising the invoice title and subtitle

You can customise the invoice title and invoice subtitle specific to a matter.

To customise the invoice title and subtitle:

  1. Open a matter file and select Edit Matter in the top-right corner.
  2. Select Invoice Settings on the left panel.
  3. Under the Invoice Title and/or Invoice Subtitle section, select Custom text.
  4. Enter the title or subtitle of your choice in the following field. You can also insert placeholder text  using the drop-down menu:
    • Matter Number
    • Matter Type
    • Client's last name/Organisation name
    • Matter Description
  5. Select Save Matter.

Overriding the invoice address on a matter

You can now override the debtor's name and address displayed on the top of invoice templates with an alternative address.

Overriding an address is applied per debtor on a specific matter only.

To override a debtor's address:

  1. Open a matter file and select Edit Matter in the top-right corner.
  2. Select Invoice Settings on the left panel.
  3. Under the Invoice Address section, tick Override debtor address.
  4. Select the relevant debtor and enter their name and alternative address in the text box.
  5. Select Save Matter.

Overriding the address will not update the debtor's address listed on their contact card, as it only customises the name and address block displayed on invoices. 

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