Assign a billing frequency to a matter

Available on Smokeball Bill, Boost and the Grow and Prosper+ Web App

Learn how to accurately track invoices by assigning different billing frequencies to specific matters.

  1. Open a matter file in the Smokeball Web App. Select Edit Matter in the top-right corner. EditMatter.png
  2. Navigate to the Billing Fees and Rates section and choose an option from the Billing Frequency drop-down menu:
    • Annually - choose a starting month
    • Monthly - choose all months, odd months or even months
    • Quarterly - choose the group of starting months
    • Hold - choose this to identify matters that are being worked on but should not be billed yet
  3. Select Save Matter.

View all invoices under a specific billing frequency

Use the Billing Frequency filter on the left panel of the Invoices and Create Invoices pages to view invoices with a specific billing cycle.

Filtering on the Create Invoices page will also allow you to easily create invoices in bulk, without having to manually remember the billing frequencies of specific matters.

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