Save invoices automatically to the Smokeball desktop app from the web app

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

You can automatically save all invoices created in the Smokeball Web App to your matters in the Smokeball desktop app.

  1. Navigate to Smokeball Settings in the top-right corner of Smokeball.
  2. Select Time & Billing from the left menu, then select the Billing Integrations tab.
  3. Tick Auto-save Billing related PDF documents to a Matter.
    • This option is only available to Firm Owners.
  4. Select Save.

Where are invoices saved?

When you first save an invoice to a matter, a folder will be automatically created called ‘Billing’ under your documents section on the matter. 


Note: Users with access to the specific matters will be able to access copies of the invoices. 

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