Completion Statement changes

From version 9.3 we have added a new Completion Statement screen to Conveyancing matter types.


This update will help to:

  • Avoid having to manually type data that already exists elsewhere in the matter, such as Time and Cost Recovery entries;
  • Bring together all the Completion Statement data in one screen, giving a clear overview of everything that will be in the Completion Statement instead of this data coming from multiple places within the matter; and
  • Provide clear information on where all the Completion Statement figures are populating from, so there is no longer any trial-and-error of working out where everything needs to be entered (Property Details, Completion Details, Mortgage Details, etc).

Watch our full update video here: Changes to Completion Details 



Existing matters with old and new screens

Q: I have a matter from before version 9.3 and can see the old 'Completion Details' and new 'Completion Statement' screens. Which screen should I use to prepare my Completion Statement?

A: Either, but pick just one. Matters opened before 29/10/2024 will have the original Completion Details screen which you can continue to use for your existing matters. If you fill in the figures on the original screen (Completion Details) then the Completion Statement precedent will populate from this screen. If you leave blank and fill in the new Completion Statement screen, then the precedent will populate from here.


Precedent automation

Q: I have automated my precedents from the old screen, will I have to re-automate all my documents?

A: No. The automation has been set up to populate from either old or new Completion Details screen, so there should be minimal impact to your precedent automation. We can't always know exactly how automation fields have been used so there is always a possibility that some scenarios have slipped through; if you find any precedents not populating as expected please send a request to our support team with the name of the precedent and we will amend it for you.


Custom Completion Statement fees

Q: Can I still enter custom fees for my Completion Statement or will it only include the cost recoveries entered on my matter?

A: The new Completion Statement screen allows you to select the cost recoveries from your matter to include in the Completion Statement document, without having to manually type these all in again. You can still enter any custom fees in the 'Additional Fees' section of Completion Statement, and select 'Add' to enter as many of these as required, in the same way you could in the original matter:


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