Version 8.9 Release Notes

Version 8.9 of Smokeball introduces some new features and updates to Smokeball desktop.

New features

Assign a staff member to take over Communicate conversations of former staff

When designating a user as Former Staff, you can now assign another user to take over their Communicate conversations, allowing third-party clients to follow up with the right person in your firm. 

Create a lead or matter from a contact

You can now create a lead or matter by right-clicking on a contact on the Contacts page. The contact will be added to the Client role.

You can also create a lead or matter from the Contacts search results page.


Address lookup in Contacts

When adding an address to a contact, Smokeball now automatically suggests possible addresses.

Configure sub-items

You can now show or hide sub-items under Matter Settings.

You can also search for Matter items and sub-items. 


You can now select 2 character or 6 character LEDES classification codes on the Matter Info page.

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