Version 8.17 Release Notes

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Version 8.17 of Smokeball includes a new feature and several updates. Read on to learn more.

New Feature


  • The ability to move and re-size the InfoTrack widget has been refined.
  • You can now sort Billable and Billed columns on Time & Fees and Expenses pages.
  • You will receive a notification for any incomplete intake forms when you convert a lead to a matter.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue which caused incompatibility between the Matters with no recent activity widget and Load on Demand.
  • Fixed an issue which caused incompatibility between the Leads with no recent activity widget and Load on Demand.
  • Fixed an issue where contacts set as the second addressee were not available for use in automated forms when the first addressee was removed from the matter. 
  • Fixed an issue where Tasks and/or Notes became corrupted due to excessive amounts of characters. Tasks are now limited to 8,000 characters and Notes are limited to 3,000 characters. 
  • Fixed an issue where the InfoTrack SignIt feature was missing attorney contacts from the Add Signer list.


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