Version 8.15 Release Notes

The 8.15 update to Smokeball Desktop features several new features and updates. Read on to learn more.

New Features 

  • The Time & Expenses table now includes an option to add a column to display internal matter reference numbers.

  • LEDES/UTBMS Enhancements for Insurance Defense
    • Smokeball now features UTBMS Task Codes for Workers Comp.
      • Enable these codes on the UTBMS Billing tab under Time & Expenses in Firm Settings. 
    • AutoTime entries are now available for firms who set UTBMS to active on a matter.
    • Added a firm setting to make activity/task codes for UTBMS matters required
    • You can now create custom task codes for UTBMS billing. 
      • Note: This change will remove Third Party Codes, and any firms using Third Party Codes will need to re-create them.
    • Selecting an activity or task code will not overwrite existing text in the subject field. 
    • Changes to assorted options in Firm Settings to accommodate the aforementioned enhancements. 


  • Character limits for LEDES IDs have been removed. 
  • You can now sort Tasks and Activities alphabetically.
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