Create a shortcut in the TemplateLab Library

Available on Smokeball Grow and Prosper+

Smokeball has a robust library of Agency and Court form templates. You can navigate or search for these form templates, but if you find yourself using a specific form template frequently, it is best practice to create a shortcut.

Shortcuts can be used in multiple folders for quick access when generating form templates.

Create a shortcut in the TemplateLab Library

  1. Select the Forms & Templates button in your matter and then select the corresponding matter type folder in the Form Library.
  2. Select the Manage Form Shortcuts link. blobid0.png
  3. Select a folder in the leftmost to place the shortcut. 
  4. Use the drop-down menu or search bar on the rightmost pane to locate your form.
  5. Select your form and then select the Add shortcut link. 
    • Note: You can select multiple forms at once by holding down the ctrl key. blobid1.png
  6. The shortcut is added to the bottom of the list of documents on the center pane and is indicated by the blue arrow next to the file icon.
    • Note: You can select the shortcut and hold down the left-click button of your mouse to drag it up and down the center pane. blobid2.png

Did You Know

You can right-click on a shortcut to delete it.

It is also possible to create a shortcut by holding down the left-click button of your mouse and dragging and dropping the form template to the desired location. 

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