Smokeball Bill - Operating Checks

When you are fronting any expense costs for courts, filing fees, etc. you can cut a check directly from Smokeball.

Once a check is printed for an expense, a journal entry will be sent to QuickBooks Online for accounting purposes.

You will need to set up Operating Check defaults in Billing Settings prior to printing an Operating Check.

Set up operating checks

  • From Billing Settings, activate Operating Checks under Accounts Settings. 
    • Set your default settings for check style and printing method.
    • If you manually write out operating checks, select print manually from the printing method drop down menu.
  • Select Save.


Create an operating check

  • When entering an Expense in Smokeball, there is an option for printing a check. 
    • Choose to change default options, include a check memo, and save.
    • Note: You can attach files (receipts) to any expense.


Print an operating check

  • If not printing checks manually or immediately while creating the expense, checks are printed from the Accounts View of Smokeball. 
  • Select the print checks button and then select which checks to print, and process.


  • A PDF will generate for your checks.  Select the button at the bottom of your screen to open the PDF.
    • Select the download button to access the PDF and finalize printing your check.

  • When you print the check, make sure fit to page is unchecked and select print.


Print an operating check with multiple expenses

  • Navigate to the Time & Fees page and select the Expenses tab.
  • Select the expenses you wish to include on the check and then select the Create Check button.
  • In the pop-up window, select to whom the check will be issued and complete the Check Memo field.
  • Select the Save button.
    • You will receive a notification when the check is created successfully. mceclip0.png
  • Select the Print Checks button, select the check with multiple expenses, and then select the Process button.

  • Select the download button at the bottom of your screen to access the PDF and finalize printing your check.


Add vendor address to operating checks

  • To add a vendor address to an operating check, navigate to Firm Settings and then select Accounts. Select the Trust and Operating Checks tab and then select the Include Vendor Address on Check checkbox.  
    • The checkbox will include the address of the contact from the Pay To field on the PDF generated for printing on the check stock.
    • This setting applies to any printed checks, including check reprints.

Did You Know

  • Checks can be printed for Trust Account Payments. Learn more about Check Printing in Smokeball.
  • Operating Checks can be accessed at any time from the Operating Checks Filter in Accounts. You can also reprint a check from this view by selecting the three dot icon and then selecting Reprint Check.

  • Select any operating check to see a detailed view. of the check and more options for the transaction.


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