Smokeball Bill - Deposit Funds in Trust or Operating Retainer Accounts

Smokeball makes it easy to manage funds in Trust and Operating Retainer Accounts. Smokeball offers the ability utilize Trust accounting, where a client's funds are deposited into the firm's Trust account until the fee is earned, and Operating Retainer accounting, where a client's funds are deposited into the firm's operating account and not held separately. 

This article will walk through the various ways to make deposits into Trust and Operating Retainer.

Make a Deposit to a Trust Account or Operating Retainer

Follow these steps to deposit funds from a Matter:

  • Navigate to the Matter's Transactions tab. Select a trust or operating retainer account and then select the Deposit Funds button.

  • Whether you are depositing into Trust or Operating Retainer, work through the: 
    • Date: Date will default to current date
    • Account: The account will default to trust if selecting from the trust tab or operating retainer if selecting from the operating retainer tab
    • Matter: If you are depositing funds from within a matter, this field will default to that matter
    • Contact: This will default to the debtor on the matter if depositing funds from that matter
      • If changing the contact, select the 'x' to remove the contact.  If choosing an existing contact, type the contact's name and select from the drop down.  If a new contact, select '+' and add contact.
    • Enter the Amount and Type
    • Select Process to complete the transaction

Note: There is an option to print a PDF receipt of the deposit. Learn more about Trust Deposits and Payment Receipts.

You can add a trust deposit from the Create New menu as well.  This will not auto-populate the matter and contact.

The Trust and Operating Retainer Accounts for all Matters can be managed in the Accounts View on the left side of Smokeball.

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