Communicate Client Portal Third Party Experience

You were sent this link because your law firm uses Smokeball's Communicate Client Portal. The client portal is Smokeball's secure messaging and file sharing system.

The client portal allows you to share confidential information with your firm in a secure way compared to email. You will need to verify your identity using two factor identification so you will always have the peace of mind that your information is safe and secure.

You can also download the Smokeball Communicate Client Portal Mobile App on the Apple or Google Play Store to chat with your law firm.

Account Setup

  • When you receive your first secure message, you will receive a notification via email to set up your Communicate Client Portal account. 
    • Select Get Started to set up your account and start sending messages or reviewing documents securely. 
  • Log into the Communicate Client Portal 
    • Brand new client portal users: If you are accessing the Communicate Client Portal for the first time, you will be required to authenticate your email address with two factor authentication.
    • Returning client portal users: If you are returning to an existing recent conversation, you will be taken straight into the conversation using two factor authentication.
    • Note: If you are accessing a historic conversation, you may need to request a new secure link (secure links expiry after 7 days).

Navigating the Communicate Client Portal

Your To Do list on the left panel shows all outstanding tasks and documents sent by your law firm. You can also:

  • Select Msgs from the left-hand menu to view all of your conversations.
  • Select Events from the left-hand menu to view upcoming events with your attorney.
  • Select Docs from the left-hand menu to view all of your files and intake forms.
  • Select Billing to view your outstanding invoices.

Send Messages and Files

To view conversations with your law firm, select Msgs from the left-hand menu.

  • Select the conversation you want to review. If you are involved in multiple conversations, all conversations will be listed on the left side of the screen.
  • Use the tabs to toggle between the message history, files, and pinned messages. 
  • Review individual messages and/or attachments.
  • Respond to messages and attach files.
  • To attach files, select the paper clip icon next to the text box. Alternatively, drag and drop files from your computer into the browser window.

  • Once a message has been sent, it can be edited or reviewed by selecting the three dots located to each message.


  • Select any attachment to review the file. 
    • Press the back button on your browser to go back to the conversation.
    • Add additional comments to the file from the top-right corner of the attachment. Note: All comments will also appear in the main conversation.
    • Select the print icon on the upper left to send the file to your printer.
    • Select the download icon in the upper left to download a copy of the file.

You can also select Docs from the left-hand menu for a list of all the files you have received across all your cases. 

View and complete Intake Forms

Navigate to the Forms tab within the Docs section to view, complete, and send intake forms to your attorney.

View Invoices

Navigate to Billing from the left-hand menu to view all outstanding and paid invoices with your law firm.

Alert Messages and Mobile App

When new messages are sent, an email notification will be sent to view the new message.

If you are using the Communicate Client Portal Mobile App, an additional notification will also be sent.

  • Log in to review the message and/or shared file(s).mceclip6.png

  • When not using the Communicate Client Portal app, notifications will be sent to your phone.


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