New Legal Product Releases - May 2024

View all new updates to matter types, automated forms and precedents for your area of law and state.

New Matter Types

The Will, Enduring Power of Guardianship and Estate Planning Lead matter types for WA are now available under the Estate Planning Practice Area.

Matter Type Amendments

VIC - Conveyancing

Added Council and Water Authority contacts to the Survivorship Application (VIC).

Form and Precedent Updates



Updated Forms:

  • Client Authorisation Representative - Company located in Federal Forms/Legal Professional Forms


Updated Forms:

  • Purchaser or Transferee Declaration Form - Corporation located in NSW Forms/Revenue NSW Forms
  • Purchaser or Transferee Declaration - Explanatory Notes and Supporting Evidence located in NSW Forms/Revenue NSW Forms
  • Purchaser or Transferee Declaration Form - Individual located in NSW Forms/Revenue NSW Forms
  • Purchaser or Transferee Declaration Form - Corporation located in NSW Forms/Revenue NSW Forms


Updated Forms:

  • 1(A). Initial Contact Letter - Buyer (Residential - REIQ) - Prospective client located in:
    • Lexon Insurance / Conveyancing / Purchase / Automated

    • Lexon Insurance / Conveyancing / Purchase / Non-Automated
  • 1(B). Initial Contact Letter - Buyer (Residential - REIQ) - Contract received located in:
    • Lexon Insurance / Conveyancing / Purchase / Automated

    • Lexon Insurance / Conveyancing / Purchase / Non-Automated

  • 3.Buyer File Note Residential located in:
    • Lexon Insurance / Conveyancing / Purchase / Automated

    • Lexon Insurance / Conveyancing / Purchase / Non-Automated

  • 4a. Buyer Questionnnaire and Authority Residential located in:
    • Lexon Insurance / Conveyancing / Purchase / Automated

    • Lexon Insurance / Conveyancing / Purchase / Non-Automated

  • 4c. Buyer Booklet Residential located in:
    • Lexon Insurance / Conveyancing / Purchase / Automated

    • Lexon Insurance / Conveyancing / Purchase / Non-Automated

  • QLD Titles Credit Card Payment Request located in QLD Forms/Land Registry Forms


Updated Forms:

  • Application to Transfer Licence Ownership on Sale of Land - Online link located in VIC Forms/Conveyancing Forms


Added Forms:

  • Request to Access Drug Court located in VIC Forms/Magistrates' Court of VIC/Criminal Forms
  • Request for Contested Summary Hearing located in VIC Forms/Magistrates' Court of VIC/Criminal Forms

Updated Forms:

  • Witness Summons located in VIC Forms / Children’s Court of VIC / Criminal Forms
  • Notice to surety of application to vary bail - Form 16 located in VIC Forms/Magistrates' Court of VIC/Criminal Forms
  • Application by informant to revoke bail - Form 15 located in VIC Forms/Magistrates' Court of VIC/Criminal Forms
  • Application by informant to vary bail - Form 14 located in VIC Forms/Magistrates' Court of VIC/Criminal Forms
  • Application by accused for an order to vary bail - Form 11 located in VIC Forms/Magistrates' Court of VIC/Criminal Forms
  • Notice to surety of application to vary bail - Form 16 located in VIC Forms/Magistrates' Court of VIC/Criminal Forms


Updated Forms:

  • Fair Work Information Statement located in Federal Forms/Fair Work Commission
  • Casual Employment Information Statement located in Federal Forms/Fair Work Commission


Added Forms:

  • Affidavit of Debt located in Federal Forms/Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia/General Forms
  • Creditor’s Petition located in Federal Forms/Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia/General Forms

Updated Forms:

  • Child Support Applications located in Federal Forms/Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia/Publications
  • Guidelines for Independent Children’s Lawyers located in Federal Forms/Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia/Publications


Added Forms:

  • Arbitration located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Brochures
  • Chapter 19 Costs Notice located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Brochures
  • Conference of Experts located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Brochures
  • Marriage, Families and Separation located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Brochures
  • Parenting Orders - Obligations, consequences and who can help located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Brochures
  • Affidavit - General located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms
  • Affidavit - Proof of Signature located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Affidavit - Proof of Identity located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Affidavit - Translation of Marriage Certificate located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Affidavit for eFiling Divorce located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Affidavit for non-English speaking persons located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Affidavit of Service located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Affidavit of Translation located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Application - Consent Orders (Form 11) located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Consent Order Annexure located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Minute of Consent Orders located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Form 3A Response to an Application for Divorce located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Request to Attend by Electronic Means located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Telephone Attendance Booking Form located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Video Link Booking Form located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Fee Exemption (Divorce and Nullity) NP8 located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Fee Exemption - NP7 located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Fee Exemption - General located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Payment of Court Fees - Request for Deferral located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Payment of Court Fees - Request for Refund located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Callover Certificate located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Form 12 - Submitting Notice located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Itemised Costs Account located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Notice Disputing Itemised Costs Account located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Notice of Address for Service (Form 8) located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Notice of Ceasing to Act located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Notice of Change of Name located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Notice of Discontinuance located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Notice of Intervention by a Person Entitled to Intervene located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Notice of Objection to a Hearing in the Absence of the Parties located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Notice of Payment into Court located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Request for Court Documents located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Request to Answer Specific Questions located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Request to Inspect Court File located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Trial Plan (with ICL/other party) located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Trial Plan located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Application - Contempt located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Application - Contravention located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Form 1 - Initiating Application located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Form 2 - Application in a Case located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Acknowledgement Form - Information from a Family Counsellor located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Case Information Affidavit located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Conference Particulars located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Family Dispute Resolution - Exemption Form located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Form 4 - Notice of Child Abuse or Family Violence located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Undertaking as to Disclosure located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Undertaking located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Certificate of Conferral - Property Cases located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Conciliation Conference Particulars - PPP 500 located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Consent to Conduct Proceedings as Child-Related proceedings located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Enforcement Warrant located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Financial Statement located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Financial Statement PPP 500 located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Third Party Debt Notice located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Form 1A - Response located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Form 1B - Reply located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Form 2A - Response to an Application in a Case located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Acknowledgement of Service located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Notice of Request to Inspect located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Subpoena located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms



Added Forms:

  • Non-Lodgment Advice 2023 located in Federal Forms/ATO Forms
  • ATO - Notification of a deceased person located in Federal Forms/ATO Forms


Updated Form:

  • Federal Forms/ATO Forms located in QLD Forms / General Forms


Updated Forms:

  • E2 Extension of Lease Guide located in SA Forms/LTO Forms Guidance Notes


Updated Forms:

  • Disclosure Statement - Retail Premises Not Located in Retail Shopping Centre (Schedule 1) located in VIC Forms/Leasing Forms


Updated Forms:

  • 1. Matter Checklist located in:
    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Automated

    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Non-automated

  • 2. Pre-engagement Letter located in:
    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Automated

    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Non-automated

  • 2a. Booklet located in:
    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Automated

    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Non-automated

  • 3. Initial Advice Letter to Client located in:
    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Automated

    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Non-automated

  • 4. Disclosure Letter located in:
    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Automated

    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Non-automated

  • 5. Updated Advice Letter to Client located in:
    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Automated

    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Non-automated

  • 6. File Note - Against Recommendations Settlement Instructions located in:
    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Automated

    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Non-automated

  • General Litigation - Overview located in:
    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Automated

    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Non-automated

  • Risk Pack Completion Checklist located in:
    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Automated

    • Lexon Insurance/Lexon Insurance/Litigation/Non-automated


Added Form:

  • List of Documents Form located in SA Forms/Uniform Civil Rules


Added Form:

  • Third Party Notice (Form 11A) located in VIC Forms/Magistrates' Court of VIC/Civil Forms

Updated Forms:

  • Further Application Bail or Application by Person on Bail Variation or Amount or Conditions of Bail (Form 12) formerly Form 11 located in VIC Forms/Magistrates' Court of VIC/Criminal Forms

Litigation, Estate Administration


Updated Forms:

  • Conditional Notice of Intention to Defend located in QLD Forms/UCPR Forms
  • Consent of Litigation Guardian located in QLD Forms/UCPR Forms
  • Request for Default Judgment located in QLD Forms/UCPR Forms
  • Affidavit of Publication and Service located in QLD Forms/UCPR Forms
  • Application for Letters of Administration (Intestacy) located in QLD Forms/UCPR Forms
  • Certificate of Exhibit located in QLD Forms/UCPR Forms
  • Notice of Intention to Apply for Grant located in QLD Forms/UCPR Forms
Personal Injury


Added Forms:

  • Application to Admit Late Documents - Workers Compensation located in NSW Forms/Personal Injury Commission/Workers Compensation Forms


Updated Forms:

  • Application for an Independent Review of an Agent Decision located in VIC Forms / Worksafe Forms

Marketplace Precedent Updates

Lexon Insurance - Conveyancing (QLD)

Due to the introduction of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Fees Imposition Amendment Bill 2024, the Conveyancing Protocol has been updated with urgent changes in relation to FIRB fees:

  • 1(A). Initial Contact Letter - Buyer OTP CTS - Prospective client
  • 1(B). Initial Contact Letter - Buyer OTP CTS - Contract received
  • 3. Buyer File Note OTP CTS
  • 4a. Buyer Questionnaire and Authority OTP CTS
  • 4c. Buyer Booklet OTP CTS

Lexon Insurance - Conveyancing (QLD) > Purchase

Due to the introduction of the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Fees Imposition Amendment Bill 2024, the Conveyancing Protocol has been updated with urgent changes in relation to FIRB fees:

  • 1(A). Initial Contact Letter - Buyer Rural - Prospective client
  • 1(B). Initial Contact Letter - Buyer Rural - Contract received
  • 2. Buyer File Note - Rural
  • 3. Buyer Questionnaire and Authority - Rural

Report Updates

  • The Safe Custody - Full List report has been updated with the addition of the 'Client Email' column.
  • The following reports now include the Referrer column:
    • Lead - Full List
    • Matter Summary List
    • Matter Next Steps
    • Safe Custody - Filtered
    • Matter - Next Task
    • Lead - Closed Lost
  • The Conveyancing - Settlement report now incorporates the following fields:
    • Person Responsible
    • Person Assisting
    • Matter Type
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