New Legal Product Releases - June 2024

View all new updates to matter types, automated forms and precedents for your area of law and state.

New Matter Types

Estate Planning (WA):

  • Power of Attorney
  • Enduring Power of Attorney

Family (WA):

  • Children
  • Children and Property
  • Property
  • Independent Children's Lawyer
  • Financial Agreement
  • Divorce
  • Family Lead

Form and Precedent Updates



Updated Forms:

  • Application for a liquor licence located in QLD Forms/Justice and Attorney-General/Liquor Licensing and Compliance Forms


New Forms located in ACT Forms/Access Canberra Forms:

  • Application to discharge/remove a court order or charge

  • Determination/Expiry of a sublease or underlease

  • Application for Title repair

  • Partial determination/surrender of a sublease or underlease

  • Miscellaneous Application

  • Application to note change of name on land titles register

  • Application to combine or separate title

  • Notice of death by surviving proprietor

  • Notice of death by surviving proprietor on an instrument

  • Transfer by power of sale

  • Transfer of Mortgage

  • Variation of sublease or underlease

  • Application to register a court order or a charge

  • Variation of Mortgage

  • Transmission Application

  • Caveat

  • Withdrawal of caveat

  • Application for lapsing caveat

  • Notice of change of address for service of documents

  • Consent to register

  • Discharge of mortgage

  • Discharge of mortgage on a sublease or underlease

  • Mortgage of a sublease or underlease

  • Transfer

  • Caveat of a sublease/underlease

  • Transfer of sublease/underlease

  • Sublease

  • Transfer and grant of easement

  • Application to register Writ

  • Removal of writ


Updated Forms:

  • First Home Buyers Assistance scheme located in NSW Forms/Revenue NSW Forms


Updated Forms:

  • Requiring information from a body corporate located in QLD Forms/BCCM Forms


Updated Forms:

  • Form 35 - Application for Review of Bail by Magistrate located in SA Forms/Magistrates Court of SA/Criminal Forms


Updated Forms:

  • Case initiation notice: defence located in VIC Forms / County Court of Victoria Criminal Forms
Estate Administration


Added Forms:

  • Annexure to Statement of Assets and Liabilities (SA) located in Estate Administration/Probate/Application
Estate Planning


Added Forms:

  • Will & Will Clauses located in ACT Forms/Estate Planning Forms
  • Enduring Power of Attorney located in ACT Forms/Estate Planning Forms


Added Forms:

  • Power of Attorney located in WA Forms / Estate Planning
  • Enduring Power of Attorney located in WA Forms / Estate Planning
  • Acceptance of Enduring Power of Attorney located in WA Forms / Estate Planning


Updated Forms:

The following forms were updated in line with May 2024 legislative changes and are located in Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia/Family Forms:

  • Annexure to Proposed Consent Parenting Order (Current Case)

  • Application – Contravention

  • Application – Enforcement

  • Application for Consent Orders - Non Automated

  • Application for Consent Orders

  • Certificate of Readiness

  • Confidential Case Outline Document (Dispute Resolution)

  • Notice of child abuse, family violence or risk

  • Outline of Case Document (Final Hearing)

  • Subpoena in an arbitration

  • Subpoena - Family Law

  • Warrant of arrest

  • Bond

  • Notice of Address for service

  • Notice of ceasing to act

  • Undertaking as to disclosure

  • Request to attend by electronic communication

  • Application for sealed copy of orders

  • Credit card payment form

  • Natural Disaster Replacement Document Request

  • Central Practice Direction: Family Law Case Management

  • Family Law Practice Direction: Critical Incident ListFamily Law Practice Direction: Financial proceedings

  • Family Law Practice Direction: Parenting proceedings

  • Before you file – pre-action procedure for parenting cases (prescribed brochure)

  • Child Impact Report - FAQs

  • Compliance with parenting or other child-related ordersConciliation conference

  • Court Child Experts - FAQ

  • Duty of disclosure

  • Family Reports FAQs

  • Guide for Independent Children’s Lawyers in the Evatt List

  • Guide for practitioners in the Evatt List

  • Leave requirements for subpoenas in family law proceedings

  • Legal words used in court

  • Lighthouse - Triage Counsellors

  • Lighthouse information sheet for parties - risk screening

  • Lighthouse information sheet for practitioners

  • Marriage, families and separation (prescribed brochure)

  • Parenting orders – obligations, consequences and who can help

  • Reports prepared by Court Children’s Service


  • Affidavit for eFiling Application (Divorce) located in Federal Forms/Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia/Family Forms
  • Family Law Practice Direction - National Contravention List located in FCFCOA / Practice Directions


Added Forms located in WA Forms/Magistrates Court of WA/Magistrates Court (Civil Proceedings) Forms:

  • Form 24 - Response to Application

  • Form 32A - Statement of Intended Evidence of a Witness

  • Form 35 - Affidavit Verifying Disclosure of Documents

  • Form 36 - List of Documents

  • Form 37 - Invitation to admit facts

  • Form 47 - Witness summons to give oral evidence

  • Form 48 - Witness Summons to produce a Record or thing

  • Form 49 - Memorandum of Consent Order

  • Form 54 - Notice of Change of Address for Service

  • Form 59 - Notice by Lawyer Ceasing to Act

Updated Forms:

  • Application for Consent Orders located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms

  • Affidavit for efiling application (Divorce) located in WA Forms/Family Court of Western Australia/Family Forms


Updated Forms located in VIC Forms / Children’s Court of VIC / Research Materials:

  • Chapter 10 - Criminal Division - Procedure
  • Chapter 4 - Family Division - General
  • Chapter 2 - Court Overview
  • Chapter 9 - Criminal Division - Custody and Bail
  • Chapter 3 - Court Operation
  • Chapter 1 - Acts, Regulations, Rules
  • Chapter 11 - Criminal Division - Sentencing
  • Chapter 8 - Criminal Division - Investigation
  • Chapter 5.1 - Family Division - Child Protection - after 1 March 2016


Updated Form:

  • QLS Client Engagement Precedent (renamed to QLS Disclosure Notice and Engagement) located in QLD Forms/General Forms 


Updated Forms:

  • Application for a Parent to Migrate to Australia located in Federal Forms/Department of Home Affairs
Intervention Orders


Updated Forms:

  • Application for personal safety intervention order located in VIC Magistrates' Court of VIC > Intervention Order Forms


Updated Form:

  • Form 073A - List of Documents - Physical Protocol located in SA Forms/Uniform Civil Rules Forms
Personal Injury


Updated Forms:

  • Application for Assessment of Permanent Impairment located in QLD Forms/WorkSafe Forms


Updated Forms:

  • Copies of Tax Documents Request (for documents prior 2010) located in Federal Forms/ATO Forms

Marketplace Precedent Updates



New Form:

  • 5 - Initial Formal Letter to Other Party (Solicitor)

Updated Forms:

  • 2 – Initial Formal Letter to Client
  • 3 – Initial Formal Letter to Other Party (self-repped)

  • 1 – Initial Letter to Client on Retention

  • 9 – Letter to Client with obligations and CPD

  • Family Law Checklist

  • 4 – Letter to Client Requesting Financial Disclosure

  • 6 – Property Division Letter of Advice

  • 7 – Letter to Other Party following FD etc.

  • 9 – Letter to Client with Obligations and CPD

  • 10 – Written Notice of Intention to Commence

  • 11 – Written Notice of Intention to Commence 2

  • 13 – Letter of Submissions to the Court when filing

  • 14 – Cost Letter to Client

  • 20 – Letter to Client to confirm No Substantial change

  • 23 – Letter to Court: Ready to Proceed

  • 31 – Post FDR Letter to Client

  • 36 – Letter to client with trial plan

  • 38 – Letter to Court and Other Party with Cost Notice

  • FLO7 – Calderbank Offer

Report Updates

  • The Conveyancing - Matter Report has been updated with the addition of the 'Trust Balance' column.
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